Glovestix is dedicated to accessibility

Glovestix has always prioritized providing a website that is accessible to all visitors and complies with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) established by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Glovestix provides an accessibility support feature on the website to provide the assistance others may need. Glovestix conducts regular accessibility assessments of its website and addresses issues identified during these evaluations. Please note that our efforts to enhance accessibility are ongoing.

Need assistance or want to share feedback?

We value your input on the accessibility of Glovestix. If you have specific inquiries or feedback regarding this website's accessibility or require assistance with particular features, please contact us via email at Should you encounter an inaccessible area on the site, kindly specify the webpage or element and provide relevant details to assist us in locating the issue.

If a page cannot be made accessible, we aim to provide a text version of the content. To request a specific electronic format, please email us at, providing your contact information, required format, webpage address, and content location.

We appreciate your queries about this accessibility statement and welcome suggestions on enhancing the accessibility of our website.